Here is the link to the Christmas show, it’s a nice collection of dirty ditties some new finds and some traditional Christmas carols,The new holiday show this year have several tracks from the Dollyrots. They have a new Christmas ep out and its quite good, the tracks are as follows: I saw Mommy biting Santa Claus, Because I’m Santa and Santa baby… Its unique to say the least.
The Dollyrots is an American pop punk band composed of Kelly Ogden (bass, vocals) and Luis Cabezas (guitar). They have released four studio albums and are currently under their own label Arrested Youth. In July 2013, Cabezas and Ogden announced they are expecting their first child, due in November.
Also this year I put some stuff in for the Atheist and a tune that isnt Christmas related. Unless like me you decorate with dingleberrys for those who don’t know what a dingleberry is they are pieces of shit that stick to your anal pubes as the song tells you.
Several tracks from Blowfly’s Christmas album “Blowfly does Xmas “ and Rudolph the Deep throat reindeer make up the third set.
- last but not least is the Christmas opera by the band Attic Ted who hails from Austin TX. Here is the lyric sheet For “Mary's little secret “ A thoughtful and compassionate musical explaining the Mis conception and another explanation of the “Virgin Birth” Attic Ted song 1. prayer. (DCBbC)
oh unblemished virgen of guadalupe, perfect model of wife and mother, i implore your help in all the needs, of myself and my family, begging the protection of your maternal heart, on my poor children, look after them and fashion their hearts in humility, oh mary of guadalupe, i beg your intercession so that we, may be granted the joy of being together, in heaven, contemplating the glory of god, praising and blessing him forever, and ever and ever.
song 2. mary. (AmF#m)
im mary. id like to tell you a story. its about me and some funny things. it was the crime of the century,, and many more to come. sometimes a little story, will grow and grow and grow and grow , into the son.
song 3. klause. (CG-FG)
started out so innocently, im a good girl my parents agree. i have a boyfriend oh josephs so keen. until i met you oh i was so clean. but i guess i really lost my mind, cause when you grabbed on my behind, electricity likes never been seen. no one even knows what i mean. i guess you really swept me off my feet, lost in your eyes and lost in your sheets.
only here for a couple of days, in the park performing your plays, i thought that you were the best. i got myself right into this mess. afterwards we were drinking wine, i forgot my place and time, even though i knew it was wrong. got so lost up in your arms. even though all the plans had been made. i gave my self up to you and got laid... oh.
oh what have i done. oh what did i do. uhh, i know, i just wont tell joseph about it. i mean, it was an honest mistake, and its not like we are even married yet.
song 4. jezebel. (Em-FEm)
jezebel, sexual immoral, well ive got a bed made for you, its burning in hell. and i will kill your followers, and everyone will know that i, am the one, who knows, your thoughts and your wishes. oh jezebel, you sexual immoral, ive got a bed made for you, its burning in hell.
song 5. holy spirit. (D-GAbABb)
somethings not right, oh something is wrong. the full month hath come, and the full moon hath gone. i should have started days ago, oh where is the flow, theres only one explanation, its a baby, oh no, oh no.
what will i tell oh josey my love, oh i know ill blame it, on the good lord above, yes thats what ill do, its sure to do the trick, ill say the holy spirit came and gave me his dick. oh yes..
song 6. jesus. (CmFm-BbmEbm)
youre just like your father, with voices in your head. why even bother, youre better off dead, your secret is safe with me, for i too live eternally.
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