The New Metal Show can be downloaded or listened HERE.
The entire show and all its components can be downloaded Here as well.
Hail everyone, The comedy is over its back to some hard metal and Suicidal/ Depressive blackness. One of the bright spots is Buckethead doing tracks from “Worms for the Garden” and a bluesy one from “Feathers”.
We do have some sick metal one from Visceral Evisceration, and Silencer.
they make me smile and cringe at the same time, Just sayin’
Now if that isnt enough and it should be for free, we have a band “ I shalt become that has the most unsettling tune I have heard in a few years, Riot, from their release, Louisiana Voodoo . The elves come dancing as Burzum steps up.
Next a triple shot from Gentle Giant not quite progressive metal but its fits in with the show.
Two tracks from “A Pale Horse Named Death” bring us back to life The band, “ Astral Domine” Have Elves being tortured its fun to hear their pleas.
Last but no least we finish with the
Atlantean Kodex They are an up and coming band.. More from them in future shows.